
How to Blast Your Competitors Out Of The Way

Let’s face it, competition has never been fiercer in the online marketing world!

Everyday, new businesses come on the scene, old businesses get stronger and you’re left in the midst of a battle… and it’s not a battle for weaklings – because only the fittest survive.


So a big question most businesses have is:


How can I survive this fierce marketplace?


How can I stand in the face of fierce competition? and how can I thrive?


That’s what this blog post is all about. 


Now it doesn’t matter whether you are a year old business or a twenty-one year old business. The ideas I’ll share in this blog post will not just help you survive in the midst of the bloody hell of competition…


They’ll help you…


Blast your competitors outta the way!


How will that be for you?


Amazing you say?


Now here’s what we’ll cover!

  • The Underdog Advantage
  • 10x Actions
  • Get the Big Leverage
  • Outstrategize


Let’s dive right into it.


1. The Underdog Advantage!

Most people do not know that there is great power in being an underdog! So if you’re just starting out your business or you are relatively new in the industry, this is some good news for ya.


You have the advantage.


Meaning that you have the ability to move fast, pivot quickly, and shake things up without the baggage of established processes or expectations. You can try new things, take risks, and innovate in ways that bigger, more established companies might struggle with.


That’s a huge thing, you know.


So if you want to blast your competitors out of the way, you have to take advantage of your “lightness” to move quick.


And that brings me to the second step…


2. 10x Actions

Nobody is beyond being overtaken. If you can do more than the leaders in your industry, you are guaranteed to win.


Now pay careful attention to my words. I didn’t say do more than your peers. That’s already easy to do. Because most people are lazy.


And it’s way easy to outwork your peers. But where the real work lies is in doing more than the leaders in your industry are doing. Your advantage is your ability to act fast and take more rapid actions.


So do that! Act fast!


Do you need to serve more clients? Serve more!

Are you sending Cold Emails or Cold DMs? Send more, but make them better!

Are you creating content? Create more, and make it 10x better!


Do more! Give more! Market more!

You’ll be utterly shocked at the level of results that will come your way when you embrace this 10x mindset.

However, hard work is not all it takes… You need to get yourself some leverage and the next point will show you how.


3. Get the Big Leverage

Have you ever tried moving a stalled car by yourself?


You know how impossible that feels, right?


Even if you’re a jacked up, heavily ripped bodybuilder… you’d be straining and sweating buckets without moving it more than a few inches.


But introduce a lever (or in this case, a car jack), and suddenly, even a teenager could lift that car with ease.


That’s the power of leverage.


Now, enough with the car talk. What’s your leverage in business?


Simple. Knowledge is your Big Leverage.


What knowledge are you bringing into your line of work?


The more you know, the more potential power you have at your fingertips. It’s like having a massive lever in your toolkit, ready to lift your business above the competition.


So seek knowledge relentlessly. Dive deep into your field. Learn from the best. Understand your market inside out.


But here’s the kicker – knowledge alone isn’t enough. You’ve got to apply it.

If you want your knowledge to produce more results than it does for your competition… Act on what you learn fast!


Turn that knowledge into action. Use it to innovate, to solve problems, to serve your customers better than anyone else.


That’s how you create true leverage. That’s how you blast past your competition.


4. Outstrategize

Want to hear some good news? Your competitors are lazy!

Not that they don’t work hard. But most work without a strategy… or without thinking about what they do… and that is your advantage.

Most people follow the bandwagon in everything they do. They rarely think for themselves. So if you want to blast your competition out of the way, you have to be strategic.


What strategy are you currently working with?


Are you just posting because social media gurus said you should post everyday?


Do you have a strategy for your content, ads, email marketing?


Are you just throwing up a bunch of ideas together?


You see, a chess grandmaster always has his eyes on the king! And all through the game, strategizes on how to get to the King to secure a checkmate.


That should be the same for your business. Have a goal for where you are going and strategize your way to getting there. That’s how winners win!

Wrapping it up

Now if you do these 4 things, you’ll be leagues ahead of your peers and in no time, you’ll find out that you’ve actually become a threat to the big names (That’s when you know you’re now a big name).


So if you want to blast your competitors out of the way… put these ideas to work. Put a premium on immediate, conscious and speedy action. Learn more about your business everyday and keep following your course till you hit your goal.


See you at the top!

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